Full Stack Vs Mean Stack Developer – Advantages & Differences

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Full Stack Vs. Mean Stack Developer Advantages Differences02

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Usually, all the websites that you see on the internet have two kinds of faces- the one that we see, and the other is the program that is happening behind. It is called the Front End Web Development and Back End Web Development. 


The person who knows how to handle both the Front End and Back End developments is called a Full Stack Developer.

However, have you heard of the term Mean Stack Developers?

Well, it’s not the same as Full Stack Developers. There is a whole lot of difference between them.


Let’s tell you the main advantages and differences related to these two terms.

Full Stack Developers

They are the persons who can manage both the Front End and Back End developments to build an interactive and attractive web page or mobile applications. 


The primary responsibility of Full Stack Developers includes creating a website from scratch and handling all the developments related to the domain. They need to be aware of all the technological advancements in the field and make sure they fix the problems at ease.

Mean Stack Developers

Mean Stack deals with JavaScript Based Technologies. It is an acronym for a full-stack framework.


Mean Stack is a collection of the mongo database, Express.JS, Angular.JS, and Node.JS. The databases are actually made for the front and back end development frameworks.

The Difference Between Full and Mean Stack

Even though both are co-related to each other, there is a significant difference between the two.


Full Stack Developers know programming languages about both the front end and back end development. The developers need to create and design the website. Also, they get to learn various programming languages and website designs.


On the other hand, Mean Stack Developers have limited knowledge regarding the programming languages. Their whole world revolves around the four databases: mongo database, Express.JS, Angular.JS, and Node.JS. 

Stack developers need to understand the database architecture, whereas full-stack developers know back-end languages like Python, Java, SQL, etc.

With the help of a Full Stack Developer, you can develop both the front end and back end of a website. In contrast, Mean Stack Developers can only create a framework by writing the client and server-side script in JavaScript.



There are many advantages when you have a Full-Stack Developer in your team.


  • They are flexible and can understand the requirements of the organization. They can shift from front end to back end whenever required.
  • By hiring them, you will have one person to do the works of two. Full Stack developers will manage both front ends and back end works.
  • They understand the needs of the customers and can help in changing web design to attract more people to the site. These can, in turn, help in generating leads for the future.
  • If the developer knows cross-domain compatibility, then your work gets more comfortable. It will become more flexible.
  • They know the databases that Mean Stack Developers are handling, thus make themselves more prominent in the industry.a

Let’s find out the benefits of Mean Stack Developers.

  • By using a single JavaScript language throughout the process, it helps in removing any kind of complications.
  • They can move from one framework to another easily just by transferring the code.
  • They minimize the hiring of individual developers because they can control all the developments on the website.
  • Even though they have limited knowledge of programming languages, mean stack developers can smoothly allow cloud integration that is required for any web application.
  • Most of the developers widely use the Angular framework, which helps in developing more responsive web pages.

A website requires both the Full Stack and Mean Stack Developers to perform their functions. Websites are always developed and re-designed according to the viewers’ rate. The developers have to make sure that the users don’t have trouble with the site like troubleshooting or the loading of pages, etc. Hire full stack developers and mean stack developers ForceBolt now to build pixel-perfect web applications, mobile applications, web portals, and much more. Being a globally renowned full stack development company, they have accumulated unrivaled experience in working with both front-end and back-end technologies.

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